vendredi 14 septembre 2012

About the recent meta analysis on long w3 PUFA

This study is a meta analysis. Pooling results is not the mantra of valid statistiscs...

In other words they don't reject the null hypothesis by pooling the data of 30 studies which are very different...

In my point of view it's not a strong evidence. And I am more confident in RCT when I see a patient and when he fit with the criteria of a RCT.

So long chain PUFA as other supplements or drugs are to be prescribed in selective patients when strong clinical evidence is available through JELIS, GISSI ...

Nevertheless this meta analysis should be considered to design new studies R and C in selective patients and during sufficient time to look at a lowering effect on CV deaths in the present era of statin use and a higher prevalence of obesity and D2.

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