mercredi 15 juillet 2015

Synergistic action of nutrients in prostate cancer prevention

Fig. 4. 
Synergistic inhibition of androgen signaling by combinations of phytonutrients. (A and B) LNCaP cells were transiently transfected with the AnRE-LUC reporter and renilla luciferase as in Fig. 3A, stimulated with DHT and treated with the compounds alone or in the indicated combinations. Results are presented as % inhibition relative to the effect of DHT alone. The horizontal lines in the various combinations represent the sum of the inhibitory effects of individual compounds. A representative experiment out of 3 experiments performed in triplicates is presented. Concentrations of the different compounds were: curcumin (2.5 μm in (A) or 1.25 μm in (B)), vitamin E (200 μm), tomato extract (4 μm lycopene), EPA/DHA (500 μm). (C) LNCaP cells were treated as shown in Fig. 3B and supplemented with the different compounds alone or in combinations. PSA protein level was measured in the medium as in Fig. 3B and the results are presented as % inhibition relative to the effect of DHT alone. A representative experiment out of 3 experiments performed in triplicates is presented. Concentrations of the different compounds were: curcumin, 5 μM, vitamin E, 100 μM, lycopene 4 μM.

This paper is a new proof that cancer prevention couldn't be done by increasing one micronutrient through supplementation.

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