mardi 30 mai 2017

Gluten free foods and gluten free products...

The major mistake about gluten is to replace products with gluten by gluten free products. 
Gluten free products are mainly very high carb products. This is very well demonstrated by this mainstream media paper (in French) about gluten-free diets. 
If your gut is not healthy with gluten foods or products the best way is to avoid them id est to avoid grains in general and products containing grains. If you buy gluten free diet you will only increase the carb amount in your diet and especially refined carbs. This is not neutral. Why? Because increasing carbs is deleterious to your health especially refined ones. This is the point with the late paper about gluten and CVD ( However, their conclusion is biased by a controversial opinion attributing reducing CVD risk with whole grain consumption. We will deal with this issue later (cf infra).

The second mistake is to buy expensive lab test for gluten sensitivity. 
You better should try by yourself an exclusion regime and check your gut health in a diary questionnaire. If you experienced bloating, fatigue postprandial lethargy when you introduce gluten-containing foods and if this occurs at least three times in your experience you better try a low gluten diet with very few grains... instead of buying expensive gluten-free products. Rarely (1/100 in Europe) when severe problems occur with gluten, you will consult a physician and you will be diagnosed with coeliac disease. Generally speaking, it is a diagnosis which is made in infancy or before adulthood.

Key messages • Celiac disease is a common disorder affecting 1% of the European population. • Celiac disease is underdiagnosed even in European countries with high knowledge of the variable clinical picture of the disease. • The prevalence of celiac disease varies markedly in different European countries. 

Confusion about Gluten is about diagnosis and treatment. Even for celiac disease, you don't need gluten free products. Simply avoid grains and grain products. If you want to eat some seeds you can eat gluten-free grains:
brown rice, corn, oats, sorghum, millet or pseudo-cereals like amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa.

May I quote this brilliant response to the authors of the BMJ paper? It is based on evolutionary nutrition which is mandatory in those complex issues.

"Fifthly, the hypothesis that an agrarian diet could initiate diseases of affluence was tested in prospective diet interventions comparing Paleolithic diet with non-agrarian diets. These studies have shown beneficial effects of a Paleolithic diet comprising lean meat, fruits, vegetables and nuts, and excluding food types, such as dairy, legumes and cereal grains, compared with other healthy diets, on various health markers. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis, where these studies were included, showed that a Paleolithic diet improves some components of the metabolic syndrome more than guideline-based control diets.(10) Another systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that the Mediterranean diet with education decreased HbA1c more than control diets but not more than the Palaeolithic diet with education.(11)
Finally, the absence of cardiovascular benefit of strict gluten-free diet observed in the study by Lebwohl et al.(1) can be explained by other factors. For example, it is generally agreed that even among patients with celiac disease up to 60% are partially non-adherent (12). Moreover, individuals following a gluten free diet because of gluten sensitivity or another health-related reason were found to have significantly lower dietary adherence than those diagnosed with celiac disease as defined by the Biagi et al dietary adherence score.(13) It is also important to note that some foods such as fish and rice, consumed by people on gluten-free diet have high concentrations of metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, and cobalt and the association between these metals and cardiovascular disease has been recognised for years as highlighted in a recent review by Lamas et al.(14)

In summary, the current ethnographic, epidemiologic and prospective data suggest that a well-balanced gluten-free diet should not necessarily put people without coeliac disease at a higher risk for cardiometabolic diseases. Indeed, hominins consumed a grain-free diet from 2.6 million years ago to about 12,000 years ago (15), so it is highly unlikely that a gluten-free diet or Paleolithic diet is going to kill anyone long-term. In fact, grains are not essential and contain no nutrient that cannot be obtained from other plant foods. Thus, it can be safely concluded that, whether a gluten-free diet is indicated or not, it is not detrimental to avoid gluten. However, it is also important to note that recent scientific findings are beginning to lend support to a new approach to diet, science-backed "personalized" approaches to dietary recommendations. Available data warrant additional evaluations of the risks and benefits of gluten avoidance among specific groups of the non-celiac population."

"En résumé, les données épidémiologiques actuelles ethnographiques et prospectives suggèrent qu'un régime sans gluten bien équilibré ne devrait pas nécessairement mettre les gens sans maladie cœliaque à un risque plus élevé de maladie cardiométabolique. En effet, les hominidés ont consommé un régime sans céréales de 2,6 millions d'années à environ 12 000 ans avant notre ère (15), il est donc très peu probable qu'un régime sans gluten ou régime paléolithique puisse tuer tout le monde à long terme. En fait, les céréales ne contiennnet pas d'éléments nutritifs essentiel qui ne puissent être obtenus à partir d'autres aliments d'origine végétale. Ainsi, on peut en conclure avec certitude que, le régime sans gluten indiqué ou non, ne nuit pas parce qu'il évite de consomemr du gluten."

Je tiens à la disposition de chacun, compte-rendus d'examen à la clé, le descriptif détaillé du parcours médical de mon fils qui a subit 8 années d'examens, de consultation, d'hospitalisation et d'éviction scolaire avant qu'un médecin -oui un médecin que nous bénissons chaque jour- ne nous oriente vers le régime sans gluten. Ses symptômes ont régressé en qq jours. S'il fait un écart et reprend un aliment avec gluten, les symptômes reviennent. Il ne faut pas tomber dans l'effet de mode mais nier l'existence d'intolérance au gluten (sans être coeliaque) est une erreur.

Mais vous n avez pas arrêter de manger du gluten vous avez amoindri les quantités pâtes et pain mais il y a du gluten dans la plupart de notre alimentation donc en réduisant ces quantité qui devait être trop importante pour votre métabolisme vous vous êtes créer une meilleur santé ce que sous entend ce médecin c est qu il ne faut pas partir dans les extrêmes aujourd'hui la chasse au gluten je me rappelle aussi du régime ducan soit disant génial qui a créer des carences et finalement reprendre les kilos perdu

j'aimerais qu'on m'explique comment le fait de ne plus manger de pain ou de pâte augmente mon risque d'attaque cardiaque. Je ne suis pas favorable aux produits sans gluten qui sont bourrés de sucres et de substance additives et donc néfaste. Depuis que je ne mange plus de gluten( farine de blé ) je n'ai plus de reflux gastro oesophagien. Cet article est partial et alarmiste et les études citées n'ont pas de référence donc pas vérifiables. Manger sans gluten n'est pas une mode et peut aider beaucoup de personnes, notamment ceux qui ont des problème de colon irritable .Essayez et vous verrez le résultat.

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